Tax No : 8360440844
Zincirlikuyu Tax Office
Along with the line definition, the route is drawn, and all route information is updated. It is almost impossible to make mistakes in route drawings.
Your employees' profile information is accessed, and a new personnel definition is created. It is carried out using a different development method for each administration.
The times of the lines are updated, and the new time information is shared live with your business partners. Each service hour in the system can be downloaded, edited, or deleted for a single day, a week, Saturday, and Sunday.
The density of the station clusters is seen on the map and additional operations are carried out based on the types of stations.
Parking information for buses is published, and assignments are made based on bus features.
You can change all kinds of data of the public transport network live and present it to the passengers. Mass communication with Pop-Up notification and other features.